Twists and Trends
Are you across the trends affecting career pathways and the future of work?

How much did higher education student numbers grow between 2001 and 2017?
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Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
Higher education student numbers grew almost 80%, from 842,000 in 2001 to 1.5 million in 2017, according to Department of Education and Training statistics.
Is correct?
Answer text
Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
Higher education student numbers grew almost 80%, from 842,000 in 2001 to 1.5 million in 2017, according to Department of Education and Training statistics.
Is correct?
Answer text
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That's right!
Answer response body
Higher education student numbers grew almost 80%, from 842,000 in 2001 to 1.5 million in 2017, according to Department of Education and Training statistics.
Is correct?
Answer text
Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
Higher education student numbers grew almost 80%, from 842,000 in 2001 to 1.5 million in 2017, according to Department of Education and Training statistics.
Is correct?

Between 2012 and 2015, what was the growth in early career job ads that called for digital literacy skills?
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Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
Ads calling for digital literacy skills increased by over 200% between 2012 and 2015, according to a study of 4.2 million early career job ads by the Foundation for Young Australians.
Is correct?
Answer text
Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
Ads calling for digital literacy skills increased by over 200% between 2012 and 2015, according to a study of 4.2 million early career job ads by the Foundation for Young Australians.
Is correct?
Answer text
Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
Ads calling for digital literacy skills increased by over 200% between 2012 and 2015, according to a study of 4.2 million early career job ads by the Foundation for Young Australians.
Is correct?
Answer text
Answer response title
That's right!
Answer response body
Ads calling for digital literacy skills increased by over 200% between 2012 and 2015, according to a study of 4.2 million early career job ads by the Foundation for Young Australians.
Is correct?

Which of these people need maths skills in their jobs?
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Not quite.
Answer response body
They all do! Maths skills enable chefs to estimate food and labour costs, accountants to provide tax advice, and dance teachers to manage their business finances.
Is correct?
Answer text
Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
They all do! Maths skills enable chefs to estimate food and labour costs, accountants to provide tax advice, and dance teachers to manage their business finances.
Is correct?
Answer text
dance teacher
Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
They all do! Maths skills enable chefs to estimate food and labour costs, accountants to provide tax advice, and dance teachers to manage their business finances.
Is correct?
Answer text
all of the above
Answer response title
That's right!
Answer response body
They all do! Maths skills enable chefs to estimate food and labour costs, accountants to provide tax advice, and dance teachers to manage their business finances.
Is correct?

In 2013, what percentage of higher education students were the first in their family to go to university?
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Not quite.
Answer response body
Over 50% of higher education students were the first in their family to go to university, according to an Australian study in 2013.
Is correct?
Answer text
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That's right!
Answer response body
Over 50% of higher education students were the first in their family to go to university, according to an Australian study in 2013.
Is correct?
Answer text
Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
Over 50% of higher education students were the first in their family to go to university, according to an Australian study in 2013.
Is correct?
Answer text
Less than 10%
Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
Over 50% of higher education students were the first in their family to go to university, according to an Australian study in 2013.
Is correct?

In 2016, over 113,000 recent school leavers started university. What percentage were admitted on the basis of their ATAR rank?
Answer text
around 90%
Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
Of the recent school leavers who started university in 2016, 73% were admitted on the basis of their ATAR rank, according to data from Tertiary Admissions Centres and universities.
Is correct?
Answer text
around 70%
Answer response title
That's right!
Answer response body
Of the recent school leavers who started university in 2016, 73% were admitted on the basis of their ATAR rank, according to data from Tertiary Admissions Centres and universities.
Is correct?
Answer text
around 60%
Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
Of the recent school leavers who started university in 2016, 73% were admitted on the basis of their ATAR rank, according to data from Tertiary Admissions Centres and universities.
Is correct?
Answer text
around 40%
Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
Of the recent school leavers who started university in 2016, 73% were admitted on the basis of their ATAR rank, according to data from Tertiary Admissions Centres and universities.
Is correct?

What’s the best career exploration strategy for students?
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do extracurricular activities
Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
All are great career exploration strategies.
Extracurricular activities help students work out their interests and strengths; work experience lets them explore jobs firsthand; and working in a junior role gives them valuable real world experience.
Extracurricular activities help students work out their interests and strengths; work experience lets them explore jobs firsthand; and working in a junior role gives them valuable real world experience.
Is correct?
Answer text
do work experience
Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
All are great career exploration strategies.
Extracurricular activities help students work out their interests and strengths; work experience lets them explore jobs firsthand; and working in a junior role gives them valuable real world experience.
Extracurricular activities help students work out their interests and strengths; work experience lets them explore jobs firsthand; and working in a junior role gives them valuable real world experience.
Is correct?
Answer text
apply for jobs when they are old enough
Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
All are great career exploration strategies.
Extracurricular activities help students work out their interests and strengths; work experience lets them explore jobs firsthand; and working in a junior role gives them valuable real world experience.
Extracurricular activities help students work out their interests and strengths; work experience lets them explore jobs firsthand; and working in a junior role gives them valuable real world experience.
Is correct?
Answer text
all of the above
Answer response title
That's right!
Answer response body
All are great career exploration strategies.
Extracurricular activities help students work out their interests and strengths; work experience lets them explore jobs firsthand; and working in a junior role gives them valuable real world experience.
Extracurricular activities help students work out their interests and strengths; work experience lets them explore jobs firsthand; and working in a junior role gives them valuable real world experience.
Is correct?
In 2009–10, what percentage of university students had taken a gap year before starting their degree?
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That's right!
Answer response body
In 2009–10, 24% of university students had taken a gap year, according to the Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth. This was more than double the 1999–2000 figure of 10%.
Is correct?
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Not quite.
Answer response body
In 2009–10, 24% of university students had taken a gap year, according to the Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth. This was more than double the 1999–2000 figure of 10%.
Is correct?
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Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
In 2009–10, 24% of university students had taken a gap year, according to the Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth. This was more than double the 1999–2000 figure of 10%.
Is correct?
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Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
In 2009–10, 24% of university students had taken a gap year, according to the Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth. This was more than double the 1999–2000 figure of 10%.
Is correct?

In 2017, what percentage of Australian universities offered incubators, accelerators or other programs to help students develop startup companies?
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Not quite.
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Every university offered a startup support program such as an incubator, accelerator, seed funding, innovation centre or co-working space, according to a 2017 report by Universities Australia.
Is correct?
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Not quite.
Answer response body
Every university offered a startup support program such as an incubator, accelerator, seed funding, innovation centre or co-working space, according to a 2017 report by Universities Australia.
Is correct?
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Not quite.
Answer response body
Every university offered a startup support program such as an incubator, accelerator, seed funding, innovation centre or co-working space, according to a 2017 report by Universities Australia.
Is correct?
Answer text
Answer response title
That's right!
Answer response body
Every university offered a startup support program such as an incubator, accelerator, seed funding, innovation centre or co-working space, according to a 2017 report by Universities Australia.
Is correct?

What determines the age a young person can start work?
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federal laws
Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
The age young people can start work depends on the laws and regulations in their state or territory.
Is correct?
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state/territory laws
Answer response title
That's right!
Answer response body
The age young people can start work depends on the laws and regulations in their state or territory.
Is correct?
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employer policies
Answer response title
Not quite.
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The age young people can start work depends on the laws and regulations in their state or territory.
Is correct?
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up to the individual
Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
The age young people can start work depends on the laws and regulations in their state or territory.
Is correct?

In 2015, which of the following tipping points did experts predict will not be reached by 2025?
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10% of people will wear clothes connected to the internet
Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
We’ll have to wait until 2026 before 10% of cars on US roads are driverless, according to the 800 experts surveyed by the World Economic Forum.
They predicted the tipping points for internet-connected clothing, AI audits and robotic pharmacists will all be passed by 2025.
They predicted the tipping points for internet-connected clothing, AI audits and robotic pharmacists will all be passed by 2025.
Is correct?
Answer text
the US will have the first robotic pharmacist
Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
We’ll have to wait until 2026 before 10% of cars on US roads are driverless, according to the 800 experts surveyed by the World Economic Forum.
They predicted the tipping points for internet-connected clothing, AI audits and robotic pharmacists will all be passed by 2025.
They predicted the tipping points for internet-connected clothing, AI audits and robotic pharmacists will all be passed by 2025.
Is correct?
Answer text
30% of corporate audits will be done by artificial intelligence (AI)
Answer response title
Not quite.
Answer response body
We’ll have to wait until 2026 before 10% of cars on US roads are driverless, according to the 800 experts surveyed by the World Economic Forum.
They predicted the tipping points for internet-connected clothing, AI audits and robotic pharmacists will all be passed by 2025.
They predicted the tipping points for internet-connected clothing, AI audits and robotic pharmacists will all be passed by 2025.
Is correct?
Answer text
10% of cars on US roads will be driverless
Answer response title
That's right!
Answer response body
We’ll have to wait until 2026 before 10% of cars on US roads are driverless, according to the 800 experts surveyed by the World Economic Forum.
They predicted the tipping points for internet-connected clothing, AI audits and robotic pharmacists will all be passed by 2025.
They predicted the tipping points for internet-connected clothing, AI audits and robotic pharmacists will all be passed by 2025.
Is correct?
Response title (all correct)
Some surprising results!
Response title (some correct)
Some surprising results!
Response title (none correct)
Some surprising results!
Response body (all correct)
The world of work is always changing. Some jobs disappear, and new and exciting ones take their place. What could you do next?
Response body (some correct)
The world of work is always changing. Some jobs disappear, and new and exciting ones take their place. What could you do next?
Response body (none correct)
The world of work is always changing. Some jobs disappear, and new and exciting ones take their place. What could you do next?