But that's so boring!

6 - 8 years
Ideas to help your child practise their literacy skills - with you, and online
Child writing

Developed in partnership with Education Services Australia

The Australian Curriculum sets the goal for what all students should learn as they progress through their school life. Skills in the Year 1-2 curriculum include:

  • recognising and using adjectives and adverbs
  • understanding how adjectives and adverbs can make a sentence more interesting.

It’s easy to help your child practise these skills as part of everyday life – just use these simple ideas.

Collect and challenge

To help your child improve their writing skills, build their confidence in using descriptive language, especially:

  • adjectives (words that describe a naming word)
  • adverbs (words that describe a doing word).

To increase their descriptive vocabulary, encourage your child to notice adjectives and adverbs in books, advertising, movies etc, and collect them in a book or on the fridge. Make it more fun by setting your child (or the whole family) challenges such as:

  • who can collect the most new adjectives in a week?
  • how many adverbs can you find to describe eating?
  • how quickly can you think of ten adjectives that start with 'b'?
  • how many adjectives can you use to describe things we see on our walk home?
  • how many adverbs can you use as you tell me about your day at school?

As your child’s vocabulary becomes richer, don’t be surprised if your child suggests more interesting word choices for you too!

Go online

For online reinforcement, Wonderful words, creative stories: beach will give your child practice at:

  • using adjectives to add interest to a description of people and places
  • using adverbs to add interest to a description of action or movement.



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Last modified
7 April 2020