Past exam papers: a useful study tool

15 - 18 years
Exam paper

If your teen has exams to prepare for, suggest they take a past exam for the subjects they are studying. Past exam papers will give your teen first-hand experience of the kinds of questions they might get in their exams, which can help them plan their study better.

Your teen will also be able to familiarise themselves with ‘clue words’ in the questions that let them know what the examiner is looking for. For example, ‘analyse’, ‘compare’, ‘contrast’, ‘define’, ‘evaluate’ and ‘discuss’ – each of these words ask students to answer a question in a particular way.

Finally, as they say, practise, practise, practise! Working on past exam papers under exam conditions is an excellent way to help your teenager prepare for the real thing.

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Last modified
20 November 2019