In our garden
4 - 6 years
Everyday ways to help your child with literacy and numeracy

Developed in partnership with Education Services Australia
Gardens are a great place for getting fresh air, burning off energy and exploring nature. To grow your child’s literacy and numeracy skills at the same time, cultivate ideas such as these:
- talk about the plants – eg names, colours, sizes, shapes, how they grow
- talk about creatures in your garden such as insects, bugs, worms and birds – eg names, colours, sounds, what they eat, their life cycles
- talk about gardening tools – eg what they are called, what you use them for
- ask your child’s opinion
Do these plants need water?
Is this a weed?
What job should we do next? - count, count, count.
How many petals does that flower have?
How many tomatoes are ripe?
How many ants are there?