Parent resources for Years 5-6

Is your child in Year 5 or 6? Find everyday ways to help with their literacy and numeracy skill development with our suite of thirty parent resources for Years 5-6!
What’s available?
Learning Potential has thirty articles with tips on how to help your child practise the literacy and numeracy skills they are taught at school in Years 5 and 6. The ideas are simple, practical, and designed to be part of your everyday life with your child – whether you’re reading, playing, shopping, chatting, gardening, cooking, or just hanging out together. Many of the articles also suggest an online activity.
These articles were developed in partnership with Education Services Australia, and reinforce the skills set out in Years 5 and 6 of the Australian Curriculum.
How do I find them?
If you’re on our website:
- click on Search
- on the left of the screen, find the Curriculum Level section
- select Years 5-6.
Here are just a few examples of the articles you’ll find.
- Data is power
- Metric measures
- Please welcome our speaker
- Shopping sense
- Spectator school