Three games to improve memory

Developing a good memory is a great way to build your child's concentration powers and confidence at learning. These three games will help.
The Direction Game
Give your child three silly directions to follow, such as, ‘I would like you to do the following three things. I want you to walk around the lounge room backwards, then put that red cup underneath the table and then lie on the rug.’ Gradually increase the number of directions as the game progresses. You could keep a record of their best scores for the number of directions they can remember, and encourage them to improve on this each time they play.
The Clapping Game
Primary school teachers often use this fun game. Clap a short rhythm sequence and ask your child to clap it back to you. As they improve, make the clapping sequences longer.
Make your child the teacher
Getting your child to teach you what they have learned helps them to revise and digest the information. If your child enjoys it, you can sit in front of them like a student would, and put up your hand when you ask a question. (This also reinforces your child's appreciation of classroom etiquette!)